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Become a Featured
School on 

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What we offer:

Basic Marketing Plan

MBA Waves connects business schools and other organizations to potential applicants they may not have been able to meet at fairs or through traditional methods. Business schools have the challenging task of identifying the best fit and most talented future business leaders to become students in their classrooms. With our global reach, the hosts of MBA Waves strive to increase diversity in MBA cohorts at top-ranked business schools worldwide, while making the admissions journey more accessible and equitable for all MBA Hopefuls.


We at MBA Waves provide a platform for your business school to connect with audiences worldwide in alternative formats that are fun and approachable, but still professional and informative. Whether you are seen LIVE on LinkedIn or pre-recorded on our YouTube channel, you'll expand your reach by meeting our dynamic and diverse growing audience of applicants.


  • Is there something new and exciting with your MBA program that you'd like to share with the world?

  • Announcing a new exchange partnership, campus, or scholarship opportunity?

  • Want to spotlight the achievements of a superstar from your community?

  • Trying to help applicants choose between an MBA, master's, EMBA or other programs?


Schools appear as a panel comprised of two, three, or four guests, with at least one professional staff person from admissions or recruitment. Depending on what you highlight during the episode, you can include successful alumni, current students who are loving the experience so far, career services professionals making great connections, a cherished professor, an empowering dean, or a program director that's being creating an MBA experience like none other. Let's make waves with news about your school!


Please contact MBA Waves for a quote to appear on a Featured School Episode:

Past School Episodes

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Based on previous episodes, we have seen betwen 20 and 90 people register for the LIVE episodes, and we have seen between 200 and 1200 on the playbacks on LinkedIn alone. Considering MBA Waves streams LIVE on three platforms, it's likely you will reach a wide audience at no extra charge; however, you can reach a far wider audience with your choice of promotional packages below.


Either way, the recorded episode will be edited for enhanced professionalism and included in our YouTube library, which your business school is welcome to use as you see fit. The raw footage of the recording is also available for your program's use, as needed.

Enhanced Marketing Plans

If you're looking to catapult attendees in your LIVE audience as well as gain far more views on the recorded episode, we can recommend a BOOSTED marketing package. Invest what you like to gain the visibility you desire. Based on our research, we have devised a marketing strategy that includes a blend of pre-episode promotions to increase potential applicants in the live audience, as well as have views in the markets you are most targeting.


Options Include:

  • Pre-Episode Trailers Boosted on YouTube

  • Boosted Ads on Facebook

  • Paid Advertisement on LinkedIn

  • Final Edited Episode Boosted on YouTube

  • Custom Combination



Additional Ideas for Schools

The hosts at MBA Waves have been focusing on increasing student diversity by reaching far-flung populations, thanks to our global reach. We have also polled our YouTube subscribers, MBA hopefuls more broadly, and asked admissions consultants around the world what their clients would find helpful. Here's what we came up with:


Topics of Interest to MBA Hopefuls:

  • Comparing your portfolio of programs

  • Introducing any new programs or specialities/concentrations

  • Focus on employment outcomes

  • Focus on the new campus buildings themselves

  • Share what is truly priority to the AdComs in what constitutes a great candidate

  • Highlighting recent alumni success stories

  • Feature a star professor (their class, a published book, or important article published)

  • Focus on current students, particularly vibrant student leaders on campus, with diverse backgrounds, that showcase student life, associations, sports, multiculturalism, charity work, etc.

  • Tips on being a strong applicant at your school

  • Introduce new partnerships with companies, so a focus on employment opportunities, where people go post-MBA (industries, geography, etc.)

  • Focus on academics, classroom methodology, how your program delivers its courses in a unique way that has impact, making graduates valuable to companies

  • Highlight exchange opportunities and double degrees (thus, it could be a joint event with another school)


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